The Coalition of the Left that has been driving the single-member council districts train is holding a press conference this morning about the city’s settlement with ACLU of the Moreno v. Anaheim lawsuit, per this UNITE-HERE news release on the website its community organizing off-shoot, Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD):



A refresher for readers: OCCORD is a non-profit, community organizing off-shoot of the militant union UNITE-HERE; it was founded by UNITE-HERE staffers and is funded by unions and non-profits like the left-wing New World Foundation. It’s self-stated mission: “OCCORD is a leader in the emerging movement to reclaim Orange County, California, from the extreme laissez-faire policies and entrenched anti-immigrant sentiment that have long dominated our region.”

OCCORD 1-8-14 presserAnother source of OCCORD funding is Wells Fargo Bank, via grants directed to it by Wells Fargo community relations officer Vivian Pham. Pham, a liberal Democrat, was appointed in 2012 by Mayor Tait to the Anaheim Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) one month after moving into Anaheim. She was one of two Democrats the mayor appointed to the committee, which was charged with making recommendations to the city about how the council should be structured and elected. The CAC was heavily lobbied by OCCORD and UNITE-HERE; Martin Lopez, a UNITE-HERE officer, was also a CAC member. Lopez was public in his belief the court should simply impose single-member districts without giving the voters a say in the matter.

Just some background to today’s conference, which will basically be a re-run of the same small group of individuals who have lobbied for single-member council districts from both sides of the dais at meetings of the City Council and the Citizens Advisory Committee.